How long does it take to do bariatric surgery?

Are you thinking about having bariatric surgery to help you lose weight? How long the surgery will take is one of the most popular questions from patients. Well, let me tell you that the process isn’t quick, but it’s worth it! Bariatric surgery usually takes between one and four hours to finish.

Now, how long the surgery takes varies on the type of bariatric surgery that is being done. Gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and flexible gastric bands are some of the choices. Surgery to do a gastric bypass usually takes two to three hours, while surgery to do a sleeve gastrectomy takes about an hour and a half. The fastest choice is the adjustable gastric band, which takes only 30 minutes to do.

But don’t be scared by how long the surgery will take. Bariatric surgery is a process that can change your life. It can help you lose a lot of weight and improve your general health. It’s a big choice that needs careful thought and planning, like talking to your doctor, making changes to your lifestyle, and getting care afterward.

During the surgery, you will be put to sleep with general anesthesia, so you won’t feel anything. The surgeon will cut a few small holes in your abdomen and use special tools to do the surgery. After that, you’ll be taken to a healing room where medical staff will keep a close eye on you.

How long you stay in the hospital after bariatric surgery will depend on what kind of surgery you have and how well you heal. Most people spend one to two days in the hospital after surgery.

In the end, bariatric surgery may not be a quick way to lose weight, but it is a very good choice for people who are overweight. Depending on what kind of surgery is being done, the procedure can take anywhere from one to four hours. With careful thought and planning, bariatric surgery can be a life-changing way to help you lose weight and improve your health generally.

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